“What innovations and technologies are here or on the horizon?”
Safety + Health magazine recently posed this question to leading PPE manufacturers and industry experts. They also asked, “What recent PPE trends have you observed?”
This is my reply to the 1st question:
We are seeing more innovation in arc flash gloves with the ASTM Protector Glove Performance standard for cut-resistant, arc-flash gloves nearing completion. Leather protector gloves haven’t changed much since the 1800s, and they are now poised to make the change that common work gloves have made in the past 25 years with flame-resistant TPRs, cut resistance, puncture resistance, chemical resistance and arc flash ratings.
View the full Safety + Health article and all the experts’ contributions here.
Read more about glove innovations and the ASTM F696 standard in a blog I wrote last year.
The post PPE Trends appeared first on e-Hazard Blog.